It's AhGood

Sunday, February 25, 2007

color samples!

These are Benjamin Moore paints:
Burnt Cinnamon is rust-brown
Onadaga Red 1204 is the redder one
Dark Mustard p103 is the dark gold
Dorset Gold p83 is the lighter gold
...and Blue Bayou p215

We're pretty sure we're going to paint the metal frames between the windows black, to look cast-ironish.

After that, we don't know. It seems like just about any color looks good around the roofline, so from the street we can't go too wrong.....except for that concrete block screen.....that takes a chunk of paint.

In the back of the house, our biggest concerns are the patio area (lots of paint) and the poolhouse (lots of paint). Because of the fence, our poolhouse is barely visible from the alley. The brick wall could take a lot of paint, but hopefully we'll have plants there (someday), softening it up a bit. We're not concerned so much with matching the neighborhood as we are with not making ourselves crazy.

I took some pics of the color samples inside on the tile, not because I want to paint those colors inside, but because our living room, kitchen, hall & one bathroom have that tile. The living room looks out on the patio and poolhouse and I don't want the tile and the exterior paint to look terrible together.

The house was built in at least 2 stages with slightly different colored brick--hence (we think) the whitewash, which varies widely around the premises.

Monday, January 22, 2007

January 2007 snow

(Click to see larger.)

That's Desi.

Sunday, January 07, 2007

house pics

We need to paint. The tile is pinkish-tan. We have lots of purple cactus out front. Most of house is brick, but walls around patio and poolhouse will take a lot of paint. Any color suggestions?

Friday, December 29, 2006

Snow on Mt. Lemmon - end of Dec 2006

A foot of snow at Summerhaven, AZ.

You can click on these pics to make them bigger.

Their first time in snow. They dug it!

They are actually wearing 2 layers of pajama bottoms--regular and fleece because we don't have snow pants. The snow clung, but it didn't soak in. Simon insisted on wearing the headband under my hat. Desi in red.

Simon snow angel.

Chief in his father's hat. Check his specs.

Snow on Thimble Peak. (From Mt. Lemmon, looking down toward Tucson.)

We followed this SUV down the mountain. Look for the twig arms.